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Famous Quotes


"What brings about the portentous union between idea and opportunity?. Enterprise is the short answer. The bold pursue their dreams,knock on every door,refuse to be knocked down by adversity and persist till fortune opens her arms" - By Unknown- quoted from "The Economic Times".

" Maestro, I heard the sound of the unborn. I heard the sunrise , warming the petals of roses" - Dr.Pritam Singh.

" Watch your thoughts,they become your words.
Watch your words , they become your actions.
Watch your actions,they become your habits.
Watch your habits,they become your character,
Watch your character,for it becomes...YOUR DESTINY"

" While the cost of action will be great,I can assure you that the cost of inaction will be far greater , for it could result in an economy that sputters along for not months and years , but perhaps a decade. That would be worse for business, worse for you and worse for the next generation. AND I REFUSE TO ACCEPT LET THAT HAPPEN. " BARACK H OBAMA.

Team Work

" None of us is as smart as all of us" Ken Blanchard

"Coming together is beginning.

Keeping together is progress

And working together is success" Henry Ford

" Talent wins games. But Teamwork and intelligence wins championships" - Michael Jordan

" Contrary to popular belief , there is an "I" in "TEAM". It is the same "I" that appears in Responsil\bility. - Amber Harding

A true leader is a person who RESPONDS spontaneously to situations. RESPONDS PROACTIVELY-DOES NOT REACT.He is fresh in his ideas and continuosly keep himself alive.
A small story.
There was once a great war between two countries. On a hot afternoon a man in civilian clothes, was riding past a small group of soldiers digging a huge pit, doing a seemingly impossible task. The group leader was shouting orders and threatrening punishment if the work was not completed within an hour.The man riding the horse stopped and asked ‘ Sir why can’t you help them yourself?’.
The group leader replied.” I am the leader.The men do so as I command them.if you feel so strongly go help them".

The man worked with the soldiers till the job was finished.Before leaving he congratulated the soldiers for their work and approaching the group leader , said.
"The next time your status prevents you from supporting your people ,infom your higher authorities , and I will provide a more permanent solution."

The group leader was completely taken aback.Only now he realised that the man was infact the supreme commandant ,the President of the States.

Most of us achieve the status of a leader not the state.Status comes from society. State means our inner space.Our inner space should be mature enough to handle the responsibility which we assume.Each one of us is a potential leader.The quality of leadership arises from one’s ability to take resposibilty for a particular organisation with tremendous awareness and maturity.Then the inner space will start transforming and send the right words and actions.


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P Abraham Thomas